Mark Micallef
2 min readAug 11, 2021

Reflect on the ‘triangle’ model in relation to your own practice: do you feel that there is any kind of imbalance in terms of the relationships between the three ‘corners’?

By practising photography, I am used to going and taking images in the streets. Street photography is a tricky practice when it comes to ethical approaches. You can photograph people in the street thus not capture them in an uncomfortable position that can lead to specific interpretations. However, right now my practice is mostly photographing adults with their consent and in my studio — so I do not feel an imbalance between the three corners.

Think about any previous experiences out shooting: have there ever been any moments when you felt that what you were doing, or had done, was unjust or inappropriate? If so, what prompted this?

An embarrassing situation was when I went out shooting for sunrise and as I was in my car I thought I saw a good composition to shoot the sunrise with the trees. As I parked quickly, I couldn't see the composition I had in my mind because of a huge wall so I climbed onto that wall and started shooting only realising it was a farmhouse and I was on property land. Obviously, I did not photograph the property but simply the scenery of the sunrise. In future shooting, I will plan out my spots and be more careful.

One of the images taken that morning — this is not the image I took when I climbed the wall

What did this experience teach you about your approaches, both practically and conceptually?

When going out shooting you must always plan out your shoot — your lenses the place, the people you are going to meet etc… so that you are in control of everything and produce good work.

